It takes more than able bodied seamen to run a navy. There is an enormous support structure of Navy personnel and civilian employees that keep the Navy functioning at peak efficiency. These are the major commands that make up the ROD Navy.
Department of the Navy Headquarters
This headquarters provides command and control for the Navy as a whole. Decisions concerning fleet structures, deployment orders, and development of doctrine are made in this headquarters. The Department of the Navy answers to ROD Joint Forces Command.
Joint Forces Staff
All military organizations in the ROD report to Joint Forces Command. Officers and NCOs from all of the various services, including the Navy, are assigned to the Joint Forces Staff.
Naval Training Command
The Navy is a technologically complex organization. Training command is responsible for running the Navy's professional schools and ensuring that all sailors and officers are qualified for their respective jobs.. These schools include everything from basic training for new recruits to professional officer training to the War College.
The Fleet
The Navy's combat formations are administratively grouped into an organization called The Fleet. In actuality, The Fleet is composed of 5 different fleets, organized by function and geographic area of responsibility. These include First Fleet, Second Fleet, Third Fleet, Fleet Amphibious Force, and Fleet Expeditionary Force.
Navy Medical Command
Navy vessels have medical sections to provide support to the each ship's crew, but Navy Medical Command is a separate organization that provides medical, dental, and veterinary care to sailors and their families. They staff medical clinics at every base worldwide, and they also staff the massive military medical center in Erinsburg.
Naval Facilities Command
The Navy requires a tremendous amount space on dry land for its bases, maintenance facilities, and housing areas. Facilities Command is there to maintain those bases and housing areas, and ensure that ports, drydocks, and airfields are fully operational at all times. Facilities Command also runs the military school system which dependent children attend. If this command is not capable of maintaining some aspect of life support, they contract out to a civilian firm that can.
Human Resources Command
This organization is tasked with providing human resources support to all Navy personnel. This includes maintenance of personnel records, processing of personnel orders, and soldier financial issues.
Naval Security Command
Security aboard the Navy's ships is provided by Marines and the Master at Arms force, but general law and order on the sprawling Navy bases is maintained by Naval Security Command. This entity also runs the Navy court system and maintains several military prisons.
Recruiting Command
The officers and NCOs of Recruiting Command are responsible for recruiting new sailors for the Navy. It is staffed primarily by personnel from the fleet, so some see it as a nice break from sea service. Others, however, find a tour in Recruiting Command as utter boredom.
Naval Development Command
This organization is responsible for developing and acquiring new weapons systems, equipment, and ships for the Navy. Navy personnel of this command typically do not perform the research, testing, and manufacture of new systems, rather they work closely with government contractors to ensure that new equipment meets the Navy's high standards, and that all development is within stated Navy specifications.