The 40th Infantry Regiment is a unit that is shrouded in mystery. While designated as an infantry regiment, Shadow does not operate at regimental, or even battalion, strength. Rather, the specialists of this unit are organized for specific missions. Personnel are selected based on operational needs and deployed secretly to hot spots around the world.
The regiment is much larger than a standard infantry regiment, and the personnel are hand-picked after a strenuous evaluation process. Only the best of the best in the ROD's military apply for member ship in this prestigious unit. Members of the 40th Infantry Regiment will, once selected, remain in the unit for the remainder of their military careers. Members of the Navy, Marines, and Air Force can also apply to become members of this regiment, but they will transfer to the Army upon joining.
In addition to highly trained combat operatives, Shadow contains cyber warfare, electronic warfare, and psychological operations specialists. One of the requirements to apply for the 40th Infantry Regiment is to be fluent in at least one language other than English.
Shadow Battalion
1st Battalion - 800 operators organized into 5 companies and a battalion headquarters.
2nd Battalion - 800 operators organized into 5 companies and a battalion headquarters.
3rd Battalion - 800 operators organized into 5 companies and a battalion headquarters.
HQ Company - 85 operators that form the regimental command group and staff.